What is fat transfer
Fat grafting or, more commonly known as fat transfer, is a procedure to take fat from one part of the body, usually, the abdomen, hips, thighs or buttocks and transfer it to another part of the body, usually the breasts, face, or buttocks, to give back volume where it has been lost, or to add a cup size or two to the breasts. In a case of an asymmetrical breast, is also ideal for evening up both the breasts. It can also be used to correct facial asymmetry. The procedure is performed under local anaesthetic and takes about 1-2 hours to perform.
How is the procedure done?
First, our doctor would need to determine where the fat would be harvested from. This would usually be from the common problem areas; the love handles, the abdomen, the thighs, to name a few. During the procedure, the area where the fat is harvested from is prepared in a similar way to performing liposuction. The fat is harvested using a special suction cannula so it is not damaged. The harvested fat would then be centrifuged and injected into areas which are to be treated. The whole procedure last anywhere from 1-2 hours, dependant on the areas treated. All autologous fat transfer procedure is done in a sterile environment to eliminate/minimize the risk of an infection.
Common problems like swelling, bruising and mild sore can be expected at the harvest site. This would subside within the week. Much more uncommon complications includes infection, can be easily prevented by our emphasis of procedure done in a sterile environment and with the aid of prophylactic antibiotics.
What kind of results can I expect?
Conservatively, there is a 45%-60% retention rate. This just means if 100cc’s of fat is grafted, only 45cc will remain as the final results. We do not recommend to over treating an area to achieve desirable results. Rather, it is better to have multiple treatments to achieve your desirable goal.
Is it painful?
The procedure done under local anaesthetic and is relatively pain free. No sedation is required.
How can I increase the retention of grafted fat?
By combination therapy with either stem cells or PRP, we are able to increase the retention rate of the grafted fat.
What post procedural care do I need?
It is strongly advised to have compression garment over the harvest site for at least a week.
What are the benefits of fat transfer in comparison to fillers or even an implant?
Autologous fat transfer uses your own fat cells to augment areas. It’s completely natural with no introduction of foreign materials. It also allows correction of asymmetry from both harvested sites and grafted sites. In autologous fat transfer, you receive the best of both worlds; removing excessive volume in problem areas and increasing volume where it is depleted!